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Very dedicated, efficient and purposeful ….. auditors who keeps on meeting whatever challenges are thrown on them…..to be complimented is the team of Auditors from K.S.
Aiyar and Co,…… for giving valuable support and time to complete the job in hand.
Group CFO
Indian MNC, Mumbai, India
The CFO drew the attention of the Committee to the long service record of KS Aiyar &Co. General Auditors right from the Company's incorporation. He
suggested that in view of the long standing relationship with the firm, the Company would like to preserve and draw' maximum benefit from having a continued presence of K S Aiyar & Co. The CFO also pointed out that K S Aiyar &Co. which was established in 1897 is one of the oldest accounting firm in India and the Company has found its association with them a valuable asset.
Audit Committee,
Listed Indian Subsidiary, European Global MNC
The credit goes to auditors also for their continued support!
Surely, …… two progressive institutions.
Listed Company, Gujarat, India