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The VAT Practice of the Firm comprises if Partners, VAT Director and Managers. The practice looks after VAT audits covering Maharashtra and other selected states.

The practice, besides carrying out VAT Audits, also helps clients in proper filling of VAT Returns and advising on the compliances required under various VAT Regulations. We also assist the clients in making proper presentation before the Tax Authorities and provide advisor services


VAT Audit

The Firm provides full VAT audit services to large and mid-size clients headed by a Partner a Director VAT, Managers and Staff.

VAT compliance

The VAT division of the Firm on selective basis offers compliance advisory on a regular basis

VAT Assessments

The Firm represents the clients for presentations to Tax Authorities as required by the clients

VAT- Advisory services

The Firm has full division for VAT Advisory services headed by a Partner and assisted by Directors and Manages and staff. Full range of advisory services backed on years of experience of handling complex cases and situation is on offer to large and mid sized clients.